Per Shipment Cargo

Ensure Total Protection with All Fronts Insurance’s Per Shipment Cargo Coverage

Occasionally, transporting high-value cargo may surpass your limits in your Motor Truck Cargo policy. All Fronts Insurance’s Per Shipment Cargo (PSC) Coverage offers an extra layer of protection tailored explicitly for specific shipments. Safeguard your freight transport and maintain a sense of security when you need it.

How Per Shipment Cargo Coverage Works

Per Shipment Cargo Coverage applies to the insured goods from the moment they depart from their shipping point until they safely reach their destination, as outlined per the bill of lading, tariff, shipping receipt, or contract of carriage. PSC activates when a load’s value is higher than what your standard Motor Truck Cargo policy covers.

Please be aware that certain exclusions may apply depending on your primary provider and the specific commodity requiring coverage. Always consult with your agent or refer to your cargo policy documents for information on currently covered and excluded commodities.

Who Can Benefit from Per Shipment Cargo Coverage

Brokers: Secure your clients’ loads and establish trust with comprehensive cargo coverage.

Carriers: Elevate the protection for your transported loads and achieve peace of mind.

All Fronts Insurance’s Per Shipment Cargo Coverage is geared towards ensuring your freight’s complete safety. Enhance your protection today and avoid denial in the event of a claim.

Get a quote customized to your needs and explore our range of coverage options with All Fronts Insurance.

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